Heart Campaign
Highlighting Excellent Arizona Restaurants & Retailers Together

The Heart Campaign
One of the first things we did was make sure that our employees and team knew that we were in this together and that we would find a way to do what's best for everybody. Not surprisingly, all of us as a team rallied together to ensure our clients would be protected and helped at the highest level. Within days, we began working on our HEART Campaign: Helping Excellent Arizona Restaurants Together. We were excited to be able to help out restaurants and their workers during such a difficult time as a result of COVID-19.
However, just as we rallied for the community, we were so impressed as other businesses did the same throughout the State of Arizona during this difficult time. Not surprisingly, many businesses were selfless and turned their attention not only to helping their customers and their teams, but also helping people in Arizona who were struggling as a result of COVID-19.
As a result, we decided at the Husband and Wife Law Team to create an award that recognized some of the many amazing small businesses that gave their own resources, time, and effort during a most challenging time for them. They looked outward instead of only focusing inward. And that is why we created the Arizona BizGives award. We will update many of the great examples of what businesses do for others.
Of course, the BizGives award is also a chance for others to recognize these fantastic businesses. To help achieve that goal, we are promoting all winners with a day devoted to celebrating each business on approximately 65 billboards on Arizona highways, social media posts, and in some cases radio and TV commercials recognizing these fantastic people and businesses.