Elder Neglect

Senior Neglect in Nursing Homes
Most seniors have spent their whole lives working, raising their families, and giving back to their communities. When it comes time for them to enter a nursing home, they are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect, to be made comfortable, and to be properly cared for. Unfortunately, though, it has been reported that as many as a quarter of a million seniors in this country may currently be suffering from gross senior neglect at the hands of their caretakers. If you suspect that your elderly loved one is being neglected, call the Phoenix nursing home neglect attorneys at The Husband & Wife Law Team.
What Is Elder or Senior Neglect?
Senior neglect involves the failure of nursing home staff to provide necessary care and consideration for their residents. Caregivers are hired or appointed by family members or a guardian to ensure the safety and health of their elder charges. A caregiver who neglects all or part of this duty can be sued for resulting damages, particularly in cases where the victim has suffered a great deal of unnecessary and unwarranted pain or difficulty because of the neglect.
What Are Different Kinds of Senior Neglect?
There are many kinds of actions that constitute senior neglect. These include:
Failure to provide adequate hydration
Failure to adhere to a special, doctor-recommended diet or provide nutritious meals
Failure to administer medications properly
Failure to provide adequate clothing or shelter
Failure to provide clean or hygienic conditions
Failure to inform authorities about any cases of elder abuse
Another kind of senior neglect involves bedside care. For example, if an elderly person is recovering from an operation, fall, or fatigue, they may be relegated to their bed for days, weeks, or even months. In order to recover properly from their medical condition, they must be given good bedside care. This means that the nursing home staff must change sheets regularly, make sure the patient has enough food, water, and medicine, and turn the patient regularly in order to prevent the formation of bedsores. Failure to do so constitutes senior neglect.
This kind of abuse can be particularly devastating because elderly people don't tend to bounce back as well or as quickly as someone who is younger. Likewise, family members who find out about such abuse are prone to intense feelings of guilt and horror that the caregivers they trusted inflicted such harm on their loved one.
Contact an Attorney If You See Warning Signs of Senior Neglect
If you suspect your loved one is suffering from neglect, there are some warning signs to look out for. These include sudden weight loss, self-reports of abuse or neglect, depression, or reports from other residents or from visiting family members.
If your loved one is in fact suffering from neglect at the hands of their caregiver, you can take legal action to stop it and seek compensation from damages. We are experienced in cases of nursing home abuse throughout Arizona. We can meet with you to discuss your senior abuse case, answer any questions you may have, and determine the best avenue to take in order to protect your loved one from any further abuse. The Husband & Wife Law Team will fight to protect their dignity and safety and hold the negligent party accountable for their actions. Call us today.